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October 28, 2003

I stand corrected (again)!

Not all lawyers are evil and apparently Microslosh are the key innovators in the computer industry. In the comments attached to this post, there is a brief piece by User 6971:

It's hard to believe M$ would borrow anything - they're the true innovators in our business. Even though they've never been given credit for it, they invented MS-DOS, the Personal Computer, the Hierarchical File System, AARD code, Fear Uncertainty and Doubt, Vaporware, Monopoly Abuse, the Trash Can, the Event-Driven Programming Model, the MVC Paradigm (later used by PARC), the Mouse, the Window, Steve Ballmer, the Lisa and the Macintosh, Price Gouging, the Symbolic Link, and the Internet Worm.
The guys and girls in Redmond are SMART - they don't need to borrow anything. Give them long enough, and they'll remember they invented it.

Well that solves that then! I apologise unreservedly for ever implying that Microslash was unable to innovate. Apparently their ability to innovate is completely beyond belief.

Posted by Ozguru at October 28, 2003 01:10 PM
