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October 28, 2003

Friday Five (Late)

Apparently there was no Friday Five last week but I missed the previous week as well so here, for your entertainment is that one instead....


1. Name five things in your refrigerator.
Lettuce (from the garden), milk (for the kids), lemon juice (for me), proactive (margarine for people with high cholesterol), eggs (for those who don't need the proactive).

2. Name five things in your freezer.
Mince (for patties), frozen corn (because the corn in the garden isn't ready yet), icecream (for the kids), iceblocks (plain water, for use in the air cooler), fish balls (for chinese cooking).

3. Name five things under your kitchen sink.
Literally under the sink whould be saucepans and basins. If you allow for anywhere under the bench then I can add a water filter, dishwasher powder and a toaster.

4. Name five things around your computer.
Well this computer happens to be on the dining room table (connected over wireless to the main server). Around this computer are: a box of tissues, half a loaf of bread, a pair of kiddies scissors (the ones that can only cut paper), the handset of the cordless phone and a sci-fi novel to read when I finish typing. Around the main computer there are: a pile of unpaid bills, a usb/serial convertor which is connected to a Newton cable and a dongle (for installing software), my mobile phone (recharging because I was using Salling clicker to control iTunes), the video camera (also recharging), and my wifes laptop (also charging).

5. Name five things in your medicine cabinet.
Thyroxin (Oroxin - thyroid medication - mine), Claratyne (allergy medication - mine), Panadine Forte (mine), Panadol capsules (my wife), Childrens Panadol (the kids).

Posted by Ozguru at October 28, 2003 09:10 PM
