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October 30, 2003

MT Plugins

Yesterday I had the day off (to make up for last Sunday), so I took a couple of photographs for Paul (go and read his article and find out why) and then did the shopping. I was enthusiastically aided by my daughter (too young for school) who comes out with the most amazing information.

Daughter: "Do you know what ears are for Daddy?"
Me: "No, what are ears for?"
D: "They are for hearing things."
Me: "Do you know what noses are for."
D: "Yes Daddy".
Me: "What are noses for?"
D: "For leaking out boogies into tissues."

Accurate but not exactly what the script called for.

Back to the topic at hand, when she was having her afternoon nap, I got working on a new install of MovableType. I still run that on a server at home (even though this blog is hosted at typepad). My brother and some friends also have blogs on my server (which AFAIK is not a breach of the licence because there is no commercial arrangements - it is free to them and there is a single instance of MT with multiple authors). Anyway, on Sunday I plan to upgrade the main server and I wanted to minimise the impact on the blogs. So the plan goes something like this: clean install MT on another system, transfer the files, remap port 80 on the firewall, do the upgrade and reverse the process. Except that I can't remember how I installed the plugins before (or even what the plugins were) - hence I stumbled over the Plugin Manager which is absolutely brilliant. Some plugins still refuse to install but I have plugins coming out my ears now .....

Posted by Ozguru at October 30, 2003 09:10 AM
