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June 03, 2003

IMI Update

The Iraqi Minister for Information has been spotted again. Thanks for the heads up Theepan (click for larger image):

I'm sort of expecting an appearance at the Three Gorges Dam next...

Posted by Ozguru at June 3, 2003 09:06 AM


What is he saying? I can't read that.

Posted by: Glenn at June 3, 2003 09:06 AM

Sorry, I found it hard to read too. I have not edited the image (but it is very low res). The caption reads "There is absolutely no SARS in Beijing! NEVER! I am not scared and neither should you be." I guess for the new dam, the message would be: "There is absolutely no water in the Three Gorges! NEVER! Cities will not be drowned! ..."

Posted by: Ozguru at June 3, 2003 09:06 AM

"The water has committed suicide using evaporative techniques! Allah is sending flames to burn it up even faster. The dam will be converted into the largest bathtub in the universe as proof of Allah's benevolence!"

Posted by: jivha at June 3, 2003 09:06 AM