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June 03, 2003

Interesting Bits!

First up is a story about a home made cruise missile. I am sure the comment from the NZAF is because they want to purchase some of these to launch at Australia. The quoted price is cheaper than anything they can buy in the international arms market.

Next item is from As the Apple Turns where they discuss the problem of the missing items. I too have had that lately (in fact one of the posts today was written about a week ago and somehow hung around as a draft without getting published for all that time).

Finally there is an item at USS Clueless about punishing the French for their opposition to the Gulf War.

Posted by Ozguru at June 3, 2003 05:06 PM


Is that a joke, or does NZ really want to shoot missles at Australia?

Posted by: Glenn at June 3, 2003 05:06 PM

History Note: When Australia formed as a federation of States, there was provision to allow NZ to join. Everything was drafted so that there were only two changes required. Naturally the Kiwi's refused. In many ways NZ is different to AU (the Maori's fought back and belong to a different cultural and racial grouping to the Australian aborigines). There is a lot of rivalry between the two with AU assuming the NZ is a bit backward (like disbanding their airforce on the assumption that we will protect them) and NZ assuming the we are all arrogant ratbags. Probably both of us are right :grin. Technically we are to NZ as the US is to US (i.e. big brother looking after younger, less capable sibling). Just as AU resents the US, NZ resents us for the same reasons.

Posted by: Ozguru at June 3, 2003 05:06 PM