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July 02, 2003

Blog Roundup #4

Jay Solo appears to have had a site redesign (which I missed). He now has some quite large elephants at the top of the page (what exactly are the elephants for?). He has a story about sunburn. Dude, if you come downunder, you get used to the sunburn cream (or long sleeves) thanks to the ozone hole... There is also a story about his brother which I can't really discuss (because my brothers may be reading this). I do remember having very long arguments about probability and lotto numbers (just because it hasn't come up as often does not make it more likely to happen in the future). Finally this post refers to another site's entry on colloquialisms.

Posted by Ozguru at July 2, 2003 07:07 AM


Ooh, you reminded me that I had intended to explain the elephants and the domain name in a post one of these days! I'll have to do that soon, since I've had trouble thinking of things to write about.

Posted by: Jay Solo at July 2, 2003 07:07 AM

I don't remember the elephants on the old site (pre MT) but maybe they were less obvious then. I sort of guessed that they were political given the use of elephant (slow, lumbering, hard to manage) and donkey (stubborn, difficult, hard to manage) as mascots of the major political parties. I though last time there was a three way split (some sort of independants) but I don't know what they use as a mascot.

Posted by: Ozguru at July 2, 2003 07:07 AM